Saturday, January 19, 2008

First Blog

We are doing a blog together so it should be interesting. So I guess we need to introduce ourselves. I (Clint) like some things and I (Brittany) like more things. Mostly we just like each other. AWWWWW how precious. We work together at Flying J (not the corner gas station) but the corporate head quarters in beautiful Ogden. Ogden is the bestestestest city in Utah and whoever thinks otherwise is retarded (but not special bus retarded, just lacking intelligence).

And now the story about how we met. We met at work and at first we had no idea the other one existed. However, we both worked the dreaded 6:00 a.m. shift and ran in to each other. Brittany's papers went every where and her normal reaction of anger was distracted by the intriguing gentleman standing above her.

Our first date is a better story though. We played Guitar Hero II and it was awesome. Whoever said that nothing good came from video games was incorrect that day. We played until the weehours of the night and it's been great since.

Later that night, we went to an italian restaurant and became so engulfed in talking about our adventures to France that we didn't want to leave. I (brittany) started to get nervous that my slow eating habits would get on my dates nerves. I started to eat faster and talk less. However, Clint was as content there as I was and through his relaxed demeanor I began to talk again. Talk. Talk. Talk. We did this until we realized that there must be an end to this great date.

Anyway, it's been a crazy town thrill ride full of ....stuff and then even more stuff. I hope we get a chance to actually post stuff on this blog because both of us do not own a functioning computer. Brittany was good at taking pictures of us together with a disposable camera at first but then she lost it. That is why pictures with digital cameras are the way to go.
A plus.


Tyler and Sara said...

Very nice intro very funny. Well I'm glad you specified you don't work at the corner gas station! Any how it is good to see something on your blog now we just need to get some pictures of ya'll up.

Emily and Dustin said...

Ah, young love : ) You guys are so friggin' cute. You need to drive to IF for a visit. Of course you'd have to be wickedly bored to visit IF in the first place which it doesn't sound like you are too often. that you have a blog of your own you should be able to figure out how to post comments on other blogs...yano since its so difficult and all. You can be such a short bus loser sometimes.

Nate said...

I have to comment on Ogden being the best city in Utah. I guess if the armpit is the best part of the body, then yes Ogden is the best. But, in no way, shape, or form is Ogden anywhere near being the best at anything.